Be Highly Discouraged!
Be Highly Discouraged!

When I was in secondary school, there was a time that I had great boldness and audacity to sleep even in the face of examination.

Not because of my outstanding preparation, I was so addicted to sleeping that reading was never a good reason to stay awake when sleep came knocking.

I was so courageous that I could sleep all night before an exam and wake up the next morning matching to the exam hall blank.

I had confidently positioned myself in front during examination and ended up writing nothing with a palpable courage. Yes! I mean the type that attract other students to you.

Guess what! I had ended up crying alone in the house after such examination because I could perceive failure literally before result is out.

My reaction after such courageous action revealed that I was aware of the outcome of my actions before acting. Honestly, I take this to be a serious courage. I mean embracing failure courageously. Isn’t it?

Do you know that most pains and struggles in life don’t just come without our cooporation?

Most times we are aware of the outcomes of our actions before we acted yet we go ahead doing what we know would inflict pains on us and some times take our life.

Friend, you are too courageous to have known the implications of your negative actions and still go ahead acting the way you do.

You have too much courage to close your eyes and sleep for ten hours when many things are on your table unattended to.

You are too bold that you consume a bowl of beans in the morning while you move up and down throughout the day without feeding your heart by feasting on books.

You are too courageous to be aware of what to do to be great and yet left them undone without feeling bad.

Please this courage is too much and it is taking a lot from you.

If you are truly aware of the consequences of all your negative habits you will lack the courage to keep embracing them the way you do.

Without apology👇

I discourage you from sleeping like no tomorrow.

I discourage you from confidently walking around in a day without reading helpful stuff.

I discourage you from stepping out of bed without a word with God who kept you through the night and who is able to walk you through the day.

I discourage you from feeling good when you are fully immersed in things that you know have capacity to ruin your now and future.

Yes! It is a day of discouragement. I know you would have loved to read encouraging post here, nevertheless, you need to be discouraged from negativity to be encouraged for great things.

Please, be truly discouraged to be encouraged for maximum impact in life and destiny.

Nothing prevails in your life if you don’t have enough courage to permit or allow them.

© Tosin Adegoke

9 Responses

  1. One thing I realized top people do is that they will never permit things that will not influence or encourage their growth.

    Even at leisure, they will still do things that will only facilitate their growth.

    And I will be venturing into this lifestyle this year.

    Thanks for sharing this sir.

  2. Ayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    I’m intentional and deliberate about all I do this year
    Thanks for this piece Papa

  3. I encourage go do great
    I attend to things that matter
    I’m disciplined
    I’m graced

    Thanks so much sir,more grace

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